ANZAC Bikkie Balls
ANZAC biscuits are quintessentially Australian treats we enjoy every year around April 25th. They represent the hard work our troops put into protecting the integrity of our country...and they're also bloody delicious. It's a paleo nightmare - oats, sugar, butter! I'm all about enjoying occasional treats (as in, "the real things") without guilt, especially when they're traditional, but just in case you tend to get sucked into the treat black hole, here is a recipe for some whole food dairy & refined sugar-free bites to give you the ANZAC bikkie hit!
Psssst....Download, save and/or pin this picture to have the recipe on hand!
Gemma is Australia's "Real Talk" Nutritionist helping Australians achieve healthier, sustainable modern lifestyles while cutting through the BS we are surrounded by on a daily basis. She has a Bachelor of Health Science (Nutritional Medicine) and a Bachelor of Arts (Communications), so she's more than capable when it comes to health and explaining the geek-speak in your terms. Gemma has naturopathic training, which means she takes into account all of the puzzle pieces that make up our health – our history, diet, lifestyle, emotional health, physical health, vitality. Gemma practises the “non-diet” diet approach, where focus is on whole food nutrition and happy and healthy relationships with food.